Tuesday 17 April 2012

Reflections : Peace in hardship

I sometimes equate love with the feeling of being spoilt by someone.

Yet oftentimes in the bible, the same people whom God loves have suffered, been tested, and come out stronger because of it.

Currently I'm thinking about Joseph who was sold into slavery, accused wrongly of raping a women and then thrown into prison, staying in prison even after helping pharaoh's forgetful cup bearer, and bearing all this with great faith still.

One thing that with years I have better come to appreciate is Joseph's very positive attitude when it comes to work.

"So Potiphar gave Joseph the complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. He hadn't a worry in the world with Joseph there, except to decide what he wanted to eat!..." Genesis 39:9
--> I take this to mean Potiphar did absolutely jack, and Joseph did all his work for him despite being just a slave. And I believe Joseph was very thankful for Potiphar's trust, not bitter about the lazy guy above him. Or being sold into slavery. Or being made a slave despite his competency.

Fruit of the holy spirit: Peace

He trusted in God's amazing plan.

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